The NHI Presidential Initiative has identified several challenges and brought new opportunities for engineering new structural and biological materials. The solutions to many of the new challenges will involve adopting innovative strategies through synergistic interactions with multi-disciplinary teams.

Our mission is to form specialized teams that, when combined in unison, develop a new artificial intelligence support system. We call this AI system "Buddy", analogous to Siri of an iPhone. Buddy will be a comprehensive human machine interface driven by state-of-the-art artificial intelligence and machine learning that integrates equipment operation, data acquisition, computer simulations, and data analysis. Examples of specific goals in which Buddy will help are listed below: 


Goals of the NHI Presidential Initiative

  • Acquire data based on in situ analytics 

      - Inferences based on "real time" data acquisition influence downstream processes

  • Visualize and interact with complex, multidimensional sets of data

     - Investigate how understanding human cognitive systems inform new ways to visualize data

  • Integrate simulation and experimentation during data acquisition

        - Simulate theoretical models based on experimental results "on-the-fly" to guide navigation

  • Aggregation of disparate data sets by building a national data repository for microstructural images

     - Allowing every user to find correlations within this newly developed repository heretofore impossible


Step through the knowledge web of our NHI projects, a data-driven, integrated effort: