
Dr. Watanabe's research emphasizes materials characterization using various electron microscopy approaches involving analysis via X-rays and energy-loss electrons in analytical electron microscopes (AEMs) and atomic-resolution high angle annular dark-field (HAADF) imaging in scanning transmission electron microscopes (STEMs). He developed the zeta-factor method for quantitative X-ray analysis and implemented multivariate statistical analysis (MSA) for spectrum images of X-rays and energy-loss electrons. He has more than 250 research publications in scientific journals and conference proceedings, and has given more than 150 invited presentations and seminars at numerous conferences and institutions.
Within the Nano/Human Interfaces Initiative, Dr. Watanabe is designing new workflows for materials characterization using transmission and scanning transmission electron microscopy (TEM and STEM). Current projects include implementing automation of some operations in Lehigh’s JEOL JEM-ARM200CF atomic resolution microscope through Python-based codes. This new operating schemes through the Python codes will allow for remote operation of the microscope to be established at various external partner institutions. Masashi is also working on a research team, combining his microscopy expertise with computer science and cognitive science techniques, to improve all aspects of the user interface design. A long term goal of the user interface improvements would be a way to implement automated (i.e., computer initiated) navigation of materials samples.

  • Electron Microscopy and Aberration-Corrected Instruments
  • Electron Energy Loss Spectrometry
  • X-Ray Energy Dispersive Spectrometry
  • Statistical Analysis and Mulit-Dimensional Data
  • Quantitative Microscopy

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